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How to Deal with Lazy Coworkers

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how to deal with lazy coworkers

It’s no secret that some people are more productive than others.

While some coworkers might be content to lounge around all day, others are constantly looking for ways to get things done.

If you’re struggling with a particularly lazy coworker, don’t worry – you’re not alone.

There are plenty of people around you who don’t know how to deal with lazy coworkers.

In fact, there are plenty of ways to deal with them.

How to deal with lazy coworkers

What to do if you’re stuck working with a lazy coworker

According to statistics related to the future of work, 47% of employees feel that their number 1 productivity killer is lazy coworkers.

Here is how to deal with lazy coworkers:

Talk to them directly

If you’re struggling to get your lazy coworker to do their share of the work, it’s important to talk to them directly.

Let them know how their laziness is impacting you and the team.

Be honest and direct, but try to avoid coming across as confrontational.

Set clear expectations

One of the best ways to deal with a lazy coworker is to set clear expectations from the start.

If you know what needs to be done, it’s easier to hold them accountable.

Put it in writing

Sometimes, the best way to get a lazy coworker to do their job is to put it in writing.

Send them an email outlining what needs to be done and when it’s due.

This way, they can’t claim they didn’t know what was expected of them.

Lead by example

If you’re struggling to get your lazy coworker to do their share, try leading by example.

Show them how it’s done and maybe they’ll follow suit.

Avoid enabling their laziness

It’s important to avoid enabling your lazy coworker’s behavior.

If you do their work for them or make excuses for them, it’ll only make the problem worse.

Talk to your boss

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to talk to your boss.

They can help you figure out how to best deal with the situation.

How to motivate them to work harder

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a lazy coworker is to simply try to motivate them to work harder.

Here are a few tips:

Find out what their goals are

If you can find out what your lazy coworker’s goals are, it might be easier to motivate them.

Help them see how doing their job well can help them achieve their goals.

Encourage positive reinforcement

Sometimes, all it takes to get a lazy coworker to work harder is some positive reinforcement.

Try offering them rewards for a job well done.

Lead by example

As we mentioned before, sometimes the best way to motivate a lazy coworker is to simply lead by example.

Show them how it’s done and maybe they’ll follow suit.

Find out what their motivation is

If you can’t seem to find a way to motivate your lazy coworker, it might be helpful to find out what their motivation is.

What do they hope to achieve by being lazy?

Once you know that, you can help them see how working hard can help them reach their goals.

Tips for dealing with their slacking off

If you’re not sure about how to deal with lazy coworkers who are constantly slacking off, here are a few tips:

Set clear expectations

One of the best ways to deal with a lazy coworker is to set clear expectations from the start.

If you know what needs to be done, it’s easier to hold them accountable.

Use time tracking software

If you’re having trouble keeping track of how much work your lazy coworker is actually doing, try using time tracking software like Timecamp.

This way, you can see how they’re spending their time and where they’re slacking off.

Ways to stay productive when they’re slowing you down

If you’re struggling to stay productive when you’re working with a lazy coworker, here are a few tips:

Focus on your own work

It can be tempting to focus on your lazy coworker and how they’re impacting your work.

However, it’s important to focus on your own work and not let their laziness affect you.

Take breaks as needed

If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a break.

Go for a walk, get some fresh air, or just step away from your work for a few minutes.

This will help you clear your head and come back refreshed.

Talk to your boss

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to talk to your boss.

They can help you figure out how to best deal with the situation.

How to politely tell them to step up their game

If you’re struggling to find a way to tell your lazy coworker that they need to step up their game, here are a few tips:

Be direct

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is to just be direct.

Tell your lazy coworker that you expect them to do their fair share of work.

Use “I” statements

When you’re talking to your lazy coworker, try to use “I” statements.

For example, you could say, “I feel like I’m doing all the work around here.”

This will help them see how their laziness is impacting you and maybe they’ll be more willing to change their behavior.

Be assertive

It’s important to be assertive when you’re dealing with a lazy coworker.

You don’t want to come across as angry or aggressive, but you also don’t want to let them walk all over you.

What to do if nothing you try seems to work

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to talk to your boss.

They can help you figure out how to best deal with the situation.

You can also try talking to your lazy coworker directly.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is to just be direct.

Tell them how their laziness is impacting you and your work.

If they’re not willing to change their behavior, then you might need to consider finding a new job.

What Next? how to deal with lazy coworkers

So, how do you deal with a lazy coworker?

It can be tough, but hopefully the tips we’ve shared will help.

If nothing seems to be working, it might be time to talk to your boss or find a new job.

Remember, you’re not alone – many people have had to deal with a lazy coworker at some point in their career.

Just stay focused on your work and don’t let their laziness affect you.

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After being forced to shut down my brick and mortar business, I built my online business Be Your Maverick from scratch. Wasted way too much time researching ways to make money online. My mission is to help ambitious individuals cut through the scams and make better informed decisions getting started with an online business.